老bug了 具体怎么卡就不细说
直接放修复方法 3种任选其一
1.ceserver配合CEAA 这个比较适合调试
//code from here to ‘[lbk]DISABLE[rbk]’ will be used to enable the cheat
//mov eax, [lbk]eax+9C[rbk]
db 8b 80 9c 00 00 00
//cmp eax, 0
db 83 f8 00
//jl 81BEA41
db 7C 44
//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
//mov eax, [lbk]eax+98[rbk]
db 8b 80 98 00 00 00
//cmp eax, -1
db 83 f8 ff
//jz 81BEA10
db 74 13
2. frida
//int __cdecl DisPatcher_BuyItem::get_data(DisPatcher_BuyItem *a1, CUserCharacInfo *a2, int a3, BuyItemParam *a4)
Interceptor.attach(ptr(0x081BE658), {
onEnter: function (args) {
this BuyItemParam = args[3]
onLeave: function (retval) {
if(this.BuyItemParam.add(156).readInt()<0) return retval.replace(10)
3.直接修复服务端文件 以一键端为例
cd ~/game
cp df_game_r df_game_r_back
xxd -p df_game_r > df_game_r.
sed -i ‘s/8b809800000083f8ff7413/8b809c00000083f8007c44/g’ df_game_r.
xxd -r -p df_game_r. df_game_r